Friday, 14 June 2019

Choir rehersals

Choir rehersals

Hi Bloggers,

Today, the 13th of June 2019,  we went to Hay Park Primary School and did a big choir rehearsal. There were seven schools and we were the B side there was still one more side that rehearsed yesterday. The schools were Hay Park, Hillsborough, Mount Eden, Riverdale and the awesome Waikowhai Primary! There were also a few others. We were all a part of the APPA choir who perform once a year in the Auckland town hall. We did about 7 or 8 songs and 1 extra. 

We had a chance to Mix with other Schools and get to know other people from other schools. All together we sounded exceptional. We got very tired just sitting down. I know most people got very tired that they were laying on people and there voices got very soar. Almost everyones favourite song of the day was 'Ke Manui Te Aho'. This is how our day went: We walked down to Hay Park Primary School and watched a kapa haka performance. Moments later, we started singing many songs. After that, it was time for morning tea and a break. We finished all our songs in 31 minutes. The people who walked with us was Ms McGrath, Mrs Sands and Katrina. Mr Lambert conducted most of the songs he is the head conducter. Ms McGrath is the deputy conducter, she does 3 songs, then Miss Mount castle is the guest conducter she does one song. 

Any way blog you later! Peace ✌ out if you have any spare time please comment down below. 😍😜😇  

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