Friday 30 October 2020

Hey bloggers, 

We have been apart of the Wonder Project, it has been going this term and last term. We have been doing a bunch of lessons around Wonder Project. We have been learning about; drag, friction, Newton's laws, and...a bunch of other things. 

Everyone had a group. In my group was, Farhad, Nicholas, and Payton, we also had a group name our name was Operation Rocket 4. 

We had to make a prototype rocket and on my group's prototype it had; 

  • 3 fins
  • a cone
  • a hot glue top!
Ours didn't fly the farthest, so for our real rocket we modified some things. The changes were, bigger fins, better cones, less hot glue, and that was it. We flew 26.5 metres we didn't win, but that's okay it was really fun. Anyway bloggers thanks for letting me share my learning with you, please look at these videos and photos down below. Blog you later!

Not the final flight photos.  

The final flight video!