Friday, 29 March 2019

Memorial Assembly

Memorial Assembly

Our school has acknowledged what happened with the Christchurch attack. So many lives should have not been ended. The senior sydincate at my school has made cards. For the Schools, Hospitals, Police, Mosques, and everything else that got put through it.

That's why our school has practised lockdowns in case this ever happens in Auckland. We sang a song in the hall then had 1 minute silence.

Then we walked outside and, planted a Kowhai with someone from every culture in our school, putting some dirt in. Then we put some of our cards around it.

That is a day I will never ever forget.
If you would like to give some money to Christchurch. Go on the give a little page that will be linked.

Since that day we have practised lockdowns, we have done reading, about it and talked about it in class and much much more.

Kia Kaha!

Stand strong Christchurch!

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Environmental group

Enviro Group In Te Waka Ako

Hi people and fellow bloggers. This week in Enviro Group, we have been making beeswax wraps. Beeswax wraps replace glad wrap and help the environment. There are all different types of fabric. We grated beeswax, and made some Kawakawa Balm. We put oil in a pot, and ripped up leaves from our bush, I have no idea what that's going to make. But I am excited to find out.

We're going to sell this all at Molley Green Day - We are hoping to self heaps!
The products are also available from our School office!

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

2019 Music

Welcome to my first ever learning blog 2019!

This year we have started doing music! First we moved to music, when Miss McGrath put it on. Then we used the instruments from the music room to create happy music and sad music. Outside under the tree, It was very loud!  Then we used Song Maker, and composed discordant sounds and harmonious sounds! We listened to different sounds on a Melodica, and decided which were harmonious and which weren't. The harmonious sounds sounded way better then the discordant ones. We did this over 3 days of music lessons.