Wednesday, 27 May 2020

My Lock-down diary

Hey bloggers,
Over the past 7 weeks we have been doing a Lock-down diary. It has 32 slides in it. The reason we did a Lock-down diary for writing is, because when were older we might want to look back at what happened in this time of the pandemic. All the slides are different, some slides are about what you can see, and hear, other slides are about your family, and people in your bubble. Also some of my slides have links out to documents, and google drawings. My favourite slide has to be slide 19, the task on that one was we had to do an acrostic poem about a word that related to Lock-down. Here is my Lock-down diary. Anyway read some of my other blog posts. By blog you later. 😜😘

Friday, 22 May 2020

Post Lock-down creations.

Hey bloggers,
Coming back to school has been amazing, I have been able to see my friends again. Also we have been doing really cool thing like science experiments, and collages. But the coolest thing is we have been doing a post Lock-down creations slide show. What we do is we go on the Te Waka Ako site, and tap on what ever subject we are doing. Then we go to our group and there will be choices of what we can do. When we are finished that subject we just pop it on our slide show. If you want to see my slide show here is the link. Anyway bloggers blog you later!😜😍