Last term which was Term 2 we got a novel for reading. My one was called The Secret of Jelly Mountain by Des Hunt. It is all about Tuataras and the main character's were Shawn Morris also Jessy and Jason, they are twins. One of twins loved Shawn Morris which is Jessy the girl but one of the twins didn't like him which is Jason. This story was a very interesting story especially because I like the author Des Hunt. In this book there was love threatening hate and sicko people. But my main themes other all were destruction and protection. I think this book was a really good adventure story. Every chapter was something new and every chapter made the book more exciting. We had to do three activities on this book, they were 2 sets of comprehension questions and 1 cause and effect map that was based on Tuataras. Don't forget to tap on the photos for links.
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